Day 34–What I’m saying no to. 

Day 34–What I’m saying no to. 

I say no to pink. I say no to sex without love.  I say no to rushed hellos with even more rushed goodbyes.  I saw no to a life spent measuring my worth against the stuff I am capable of accumulating.  I say no to investing my life in measuring myself at all.  I say no...
Day 33- Divine (?!#?!#) Time

Day 33- Divine (?!#?!#) Time

Every single step in the book process has had a delay. Despite how much I talk about surrender, I’ve been frustrated with every delay. In the past week, I’ve been in deep reflection about my relationship with time.  So I’ve been curious about...
Day 31–Recommittment

Day 31–Recommittment

I love that I’m on my 100-day challenge journey with a sister, Nicole Frederickson. I love being able to read her writing day-to-day and gaining insights on how this journey is changing her. At the same time–my numbers are off from hers by 12. It’s a...